
Seismic-scale structural analysis, interpretation and QC

A robust, consistent structural model is crucial in exploration and development. QC of interpretations, concentrating on such factors as fault continuity and linkage, can help provide assurance and save time and expense involved in reinterpretation.

Structural Restoration

Restoration and forward modelling of cross-sections in 2D and 3D can provide valuable insights into the timing of structural growth, reservoir distribution and migration histories. Needham Geoscience have extensive experience of restorations in extensional basins and fold-thrust belts. Studies have also been performed in strike-slip settings.

Fault Seal Analysis

Understanding the effect of faults on the flow and accumulation of hydrocarbons is a key risk in many exploration and development programmes. We offer a comprehensive fault seal analysis service based on the recognition of the sealing potential of different fault rock types in the subsurface. Fault rock analyses have been carried out in collaboration with Petriva Limited and the Wolfson Multiphase Flow Laboratory at the University of Leeds.

Fractured reservoir analysis

Successful understanding of fractured reservoirs involves the integration of a wide range of data including core and image logs, seismic interpretations, drilling and well-test data.

Structural core description

The description and analysis of faults and fractures in core is a key part of understanding the reservoir, providing information on the type, orientatation and distribution of structural features. Analysis of these data allow the effect of structures to be incorporated into reservoir models and assist well planning decisions. Structural data can be fully integrated with sedimentological logs, borehole images and well test results.

Structural interpretation of image logs

The increasing use of borehole acoustic and resistivity image logs can provide a wealth of structural data, particularly if calibrated against core. We can provide image log interpretations.

Regional basin and multi-basin studies

Structural analysis at a basin scale places reservoir, trap, seal and migration history onto their overall tectonic context. Such analysis can help constrain trap integrity and rank the viability of structures in under-explored areas.

Outcrop analogue studies

The use of outcrop analogues provides data that cannot be directly acquired from the subsurface. Structural analogues can be used to describe fault zone architecture and the relationship of faults or fractures to seismic-scale structures. We can provide structural analogue data for use at all stages in exploration, appraisal and production.


Software used in the above studies includes TrapTester, Move, LithoTect, WellCAD, Interactive Petrophysics & Petrel